
Kaori Itagaki

板垣 香織


多摩美術大学美術学部建築学科卒。米コロンビア大学東アジア研究所・都市建築学科にて客員研究員、ミラノ工科大学デザインスクールDesign for food マスターコース修了。現在は立命館大学客員研究員。

海外在住中に世界の食に触れ、建築・デザインの視点から食を考える活動をスタート。eatreat food and designを主宰。

Born in Gunma prefecture. Architect and designer. Founder of eatreat food and design.During my time abroad, I was exposed to food from all over the world and began to think about food from the perspective of architecture and design.

1995 Tama Art University, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture

2006 Columbia University, Weatherhead East Asian Institute,                           The Professional Fellows Program

2008 Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture,                              Planning Preservation, Visiting Scholar

2023 Politecnico Di Milano, Polidesign,  Master of Design for Food

2023  Ritsumeikan University, R-GIRO,  Visiting Scholar